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Persecution of Women in Public Facing Jobs

Afghan Women's Losing Battle to Remain Visible Under Taliban

Al Jazeera article 'Afghan Women's Losing Battle to Remain Visible Under Taliban" can be used to support the factual claims and legal arguments made by the applicant.  The following are relevant excerpts, as well as the link to the entire article. 




"Many women fear a return to enforced invisibility they lived under for five years (1996-2001) when the Taliban controlled Afghanistan last. When the Taliban came to power, it promised to respect women and allow them to participate in public life “in accordance with Islamic law”, but secondary schools remain closed for girls, and many women are finding returning to work difficult, with the exception of some professions such as in the health sector. Protests erupted across several cities last month, with women demanding their rights, but they were harshly suppressed." Pages 2-3


"During the first Taliban regime, women virtually disappeared from the public eye as they were banned from working and were not allowed to travel without a male guardian. The violation of strict rules on women’s clothing and their behaviour in public attracted severe punishment." Pages 3-4


"'The streets of Afghanistan are no longer a safe place for women. The resistance is a path to light. But what if women’s resistance to the Taliban will be met with whips and guns?' Qaderi remembers the Taliban’s previous rule during the 1990s when women had no choice but to get married and raise children. 'Violence against women is systematic in the behaviour of the Taliban government. If the Taliban do not use violence against women, they will lose their identity,' she says." Page 8


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