Persecution of Women in Public Facing Jobs
Taliban Targets 'Immoral' Afghan TV Shows Featuring Female Artists
The VOA article "Taliban Targets 'Immoral' Afghan TV Show Featuring Female Artists" can be used to support the factual claims and legal arguments made by the applicant. The following are relevant excerpts, as well as the link to the entire article.
"The Taliban on Sunday ordered television channels in Afghanistan to stop airing soap operas featuring women artists and said female journalists must wear hijabs in accordance with the group's interpretation of Islamic law or Sharia.
The restrictions are part of a new eight-point set of guidelines issued by the Taliban Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, or moral police, in the latest sign the hardline group is restricting women’s rights. Moreover, the guidelines said films and dramas should not have female actors." Page 2
"The moral police department existed during the previous Taliban rule in Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, when it ruthlessly enforced such restrictions in violation of fundamental human rights. The abuses at the time included barring women from leaving home unless accompanied by a close male relative and girls from receiving an education.
The Taliban moral police would publicly beat women for showing their wrists, hands, or ankles, and for leaving home unaccompanied, abuses that led to Afghanistan’s diplomatic isolation at the time." Page 2