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Refugee Projects Launches on World Refugee Day


The United Nations and international human rights law are founded on principles of protecting those persecuted by their own governments, in need of assistance, and yet caught between state protection mechanisms. Refugee and asylum law was created by states to share the burden of protecting the world's most vulnerable, who, by the mere location of their birth, may or may not be treated with human dignity.

Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state

2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including their own, and to return

Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1) Everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution

Despite these human rights protections enshrined in international human rights law and in most domestic laws, through ratification of the Refugee Convention, refugees are among the worlds most benighted, with tens of millions of people currently displaced and living outside of the protection of any formal legal system.

Refugee Projects was created in December of 2021 to step into these gaps. Refugee Projects staff have decades of experience in countries all over the world. In the past ten months alone, Refugee Projects has evacuated several extremely vulnerable people from Afghanistan; secured asylum for LGBTQ asylum seekers; provided legal advice and support to humanitarian organizations operating in Ukraine and to Ukrainians attempting to flee and seek protection; applied for immigration relief on behalf of refugees from over 30 countries, in over 5 countries; advised countless heads of state and policy makers on refugee rights and asylum process; advised and supported over 1000 refugee and asylum law advocates; represented asylum seekers and children seeking family reunification all over the world; created regular content for the public to understand these crises and the implications for those caught in them; and advised and collaborated with some of the best, most ethical and tenacious human rights organizations on earth.

We are proud of our work and hope to continue to build our organization based on three pillars:

I. Representing and providing legal advice and support to the world's most vulnerable

II. Supporting, advising and helping to sustain pro bono refugee and asylum advocates

III. Guiding donors towards ethical, competent organizations with bona fide expertise

Refugee Projects provides a unique service by redirecting your gift to where it is needed most, when it is needed most. We prioritize humanitarian cases, vulnerable groups, direct legal services and underfunded partner organizations. Our nimble, triaged, crisis response allows us to direct your donations to refugees in need and partners who you can be confident will provide ethical, competent, and necessary direct services - fully vetted by our staff. By giving to Refugee Projects, you never need wonder whether your donation is helping or harming. We make regular needs assessments and re-calibrations, founded on our decades of expertise. When combined with other donors, your gift becomes a powerful tool to support our vital work securing a better future for refugees in need, and towards a world free of humanitarian disasters.

Please consider following and making a tax free donation to Refugee Projects today.

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Refugee Projects, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. EIN number 88-1582302.

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