On April 21, 2022, the US announced "Uniting for Ukraine," an entry program for Ukrainians seeking to come to the US. The application process was posted mere hours ago, so many details yet to be fleshed out in terms of application requirements and length of processing time. It is described by the US government as a pathway for Ukrainian citizens who are outside of the US to come and stay temporarily in a two year period of parole, after a successful application is filed by an immediate family member in the US.
The supporting family member in the US must agree to provide financial sponsorship for the duration of the stay, and must file a form I-314, Declaration of Financial support to prove this ability. The supporter will then be vetted for the bona fides contained with their sponsorship application. The supporter must be a US citizen or LPR, or in lawful status. The beneficiary must be an immediate family member: spouse or common law partner and their unmarried children under the age of 21 [children under 18 MUST travel with a parent or legal guardian to avoid detention, as described in earlier blogs]. The beneficiary must have resided in Ukraine prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 11, 2022, be a Ukrainian citizen with a valid passport and clear biometric security checks.
Ukrainian citizens already in the US will be eligible for TPS. Unite for Ukraine is for people outside of the US.
It is unclear how long this process will take, but as of today, this process will be a better and safer option for entering than through Mexico. Stay tuned for more details as this program and its processes evolve.
